The community is located 280 km north-west of Alice Springs on the old Mt Allen Pastoral lease. In the Southern Tanami ward, Yuelamu also encompasses smaller outstations including Pulardi and Ten Mile, and has a population of about 250 people.
Travel north from Alice Springs on the Stuart Highway, then turn left onto the Tanami Highway. The turnoff to the community is approximately 65 km past Tilmouth Well on the right. From there it is 31 km on a dirt road to the community.
For Centre Bush Bus times see Bus Timetables
Central Desert Regional Council (CDRC) provides the following services:
The Northern Territory Government has put together resources to help your visit to community be successful. Please have a look at the Remote Engagement and Coordination Strategy and Toolkit available from and the Yuelamu profile on
You can also go onto to our Visiting Communities page.
You view the community's plan at Yuelamu Community Plan.
No. Staff: 36 people (94% Indigenous)
Local Authority: To view LA membership in the CDRC region go to Local Authorities.
Ward Councillors: Cr Adrian Dixon (President), Cr James Jampajimpa Glenn (Deputy President), Cr Jeff Iversen, Cr David McCormack.
Phone (08) 8956 4016
Fax (08) 8956 4088