Nyirripi, Engawala and Laramba now have mobile phone coverage.
Central Desert Regional Council (CDRC) has had 4GX-lite Satellite Small Cells installed in the communities with funding assistance from the Federal Government.
The Small Cells, installed and maintained by Telstra, will give residents access to email and basic data and voice calls and text with a phone, tablet or other compatible device.
Two new shade structures were built in Rex Patterson Park in Lajamanu last week as part of a Lajamanu Local Authority (LA) project.
The park is opposite the shop, which makes it a great location to get together and share some food or to wait for the bush bus.
Photo above: The completed shade structures with tables and benches.
Atitjere Community received a visit from Central Australian Health Services (CAHS) COVID-19 vaccination team on Monday 24 May. All eligible members of the community were able to receive their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine.
First cab off the rank in Atitjere was the Central Desert Regional Council (CDRC) Community Services Coordinator Warren Kenney followed closely by CDRC Essential Services Officer Shannon White and CDRC Field Officers David Rankine and Malcolm Reiff. The vaccine team started early to cater for community members that needed to return to work.
Two new brush cutters were brought up to Lajamanu by the Central Desert Regional Council (CDRC) Community Safety Patrol team in their vehicle when they returned from training in Alice Springs last week, a trip of over 880 km.
They will be used by the Works crew for general tidy up (managing fire risk within the community) and keeping the grass down to keep out snakes and other pests.
Photo: Field Officer Stewart Penn taking delivery of two new brush cutters in Lajamanu.
Last week, Central Desert Regional Council (CDRC) Community Development Program (CDP) spent two days planting trees in Nturiya as part of an Anmatjere Local Authority project.
Fifty trees were planted on either side of the entrance to Nturiya. The project was led by CDP Activity Supervisor Rodney Baird with Ryan Nelson and Philip Slee (CDP Client Service Officers) closely supported by CDRC Works Team Leader Alan Davis and Works Crew Elias Birch-Baird, Jake Lerm and Michael Morozak-Smith.
Reconciliation Week runs from 27 May until 3 June every year. These dates commemorate the 27 May 1967 referendum and the 3 June 1992 High Court Mabo decision. Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
To commemorate this Reconciliation Week, after four years after it came out, here is the ‘Uluru Statement from the Heart’ as spoken by Pat Anderson, Stan Grant, Adam Goodes, Ursula Yovich and Troy Cassar-Daley, with music by Midnight Oil.
Last week was Atitjere’s turn to be visited by the Central Desert Regional Council (CDRC) Roads team and their grader for some grounds maintenance Desert Style.
The team had spent two days at Irrerlirre and Mount Eaglebeak working on access roads and firebreaks as part of CDRC Homelands works, before moving to Atitjere.
“On Friday it was the Atitjere football oval and softball diamond that were getting a spruce up. The roads crew were doing their own special take on circle work!” said Warren Kenney, Community Services Coordinator Atitjere.
All the staff from Central Desert Regional Council’s (CDRC) Community Safety Patrol (CSP) attended training in Alice Springs on 17 and 18 May. Staff from Yuelamu, Laramba, Atitjere, Engawala, Pmara Jutunta, Nturiya, and Lajamanu attended, and it was the first opportunity for the staff to get together since biosecurity restrictions were introduced in the communities in March 2020.
On the first day staff received a refresher in Council Policies, and had a chance to ask questions of the General Manager People and Culture, Irenee McCreevy, and Work Health and Safety Advisor, Carmen Hunter.
First Aid and Manual Handling training was delivered at Atitjere Aged Care for Atitjere and Engawala staff last week. The Atitjere Aged Care and CSP staff completed the First Aid training and the Manual Handling training was undertaken by the Atitjere and Engawala Aged Care staff.
Photo above: Phillip Carter, Kayleen Mills, Elizabeth Ross, Jacinta Glen and Cameron Reiff in the First Aid training session.
The Central Desert Regional Council (CDRC) Community Development Program (CDP) in Yuendumu designed and made bookshelves as part of the Drought Relief funding. The bookshelves are to be sent to other CDRC communities where they will be decorated and put into the Council offices as a small library.
Yuelamu have received theirs and the Yuelamu CDP have already decorated it. Expect to see the new library in the Yuelamu office soon.
Photo: The decorated bookshelf for the Yuelamu small library.