Willowra had its bi-yearly vet visit on 10, 11 and 12 October. Three people in all attended; a vet, a student vet and a vet nurse.
The Central Desert Regional Council (CDRC) team in Yuendumu have been engaged in a major drive to improve the liveability in Yuendumu.
The Central Desert Regional Council (CDRC) Youth, Sport and Recreation (YSR) school holiday program saw creativity and bush trips.
Central Desert Regional Council (CDRC) Community Development Program (CDP) is running activities in which community elders teach traditional skills to the younger generation.
In August the Central Desert Regional Council (CDRC) Aged Care team in Yuelamu took some of the clients on a bush trip to Mt Denison Station with the Early Learning Centre.
Central Desert Regional Council (CDRC) Community Development Program (CDP) held a ‘Jobs Yarn’ at the Yuelamu CDP Office on 28 September.
In September staff from the Central Desert Regional Council (CDRC) Community Safety Patrol (CSP) teams received their Certificate II in Security Operations.
The Central Desert Regional Council (CDRC) Anmatjere Team Leader, Rodney Baird and his team of two Support Officers have undertaken a massive clean-up effort in Pmara Jutunta.
Central Desert Regional Council has a new initiative to reduce landfill waste, and Lajamanu Aged Care are assisting by bringing clients to the centre for breakfast to reduce the plastic containers.
The Grand Final of the Central Desert Regional Council Community Senior Men’s football competition has seen Mt Allan (Yuelamu) reign supreme over Papunya.