They introduced cricket to Youth, Sport and Recreation (YSR) participants from Anmatjere, Atitjere and Laramba with age-specific sessions run at school throughout the day, then fun sessions run during YSR sessions after school. These sessions were based around cricket skills, ball games aimed at catching/throwing skills and lots of fun.
“This was set up in lieu of Imparja Cup Cricket being cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions. It was well received,” said Jeff Aubert, Senior Coordinator - Youth, Sport and Recreation.
Each of the YSR teams in Anmatjere, Atitjere, Engawala, Laramba and Yuelamu have received a new full men’s cricket kit and kids’ cricket sets, so they can continue the learning and fun.

Photo above: A cricket session in Atitjere.

 Playing ball games in Pmara Jutunta.Playing ball games in Pmara Jutunta.
Sending a ball down in Nturiya.Sending a ball down in Nturiya.